Azra’s Astrology: Cancer the Crab

Humans have had millennia to really think about these signs and the different correlations to them. There’s so much that even the ones I am presenting aren’t even close to everything involved with the sign in question. There’s so much more like what body parts, what tarot card, flowers, crystals, you get the idea. Use this as a jumping off point and do your own research. I am sure there’s a specific pizza associated with each of these signs too. So here we go. Fourth on our list of zodiac signs is Cancer.

Can I just interject here for a moment and say that Cancer is a really unfortunate name for a zodiac? In particular this sign. They have enough problems without also being associated with an invasive deadly disease. Yes, I know that cancer is Latin for crab, but still. Let’s move with the times, people!

Cancer is the crab constellation and another of Ptolemy’s zodiac signs. There are some associations to the crab that pinched Hercules in the foot, but I honestly think that’s just back peddling on behalf of the mythology department. 

People born under the sign of cancer are more likely to get the disease cancer. No, not really. I’m just messing with you. But really these folks are emotional and… crabby. And that is the truth! Seriously these folks are all sorts of caught up in emotions. Their mope game is super strong as the kids say these days. With exceptional memories and strong inclinations to family, these Cancerians are prone to be sentimental and weepy. It would be smart to bring plenty of tissues if you plan on spending time with one of them. They will definitely project more emotions at you than you are capable of handling, so be cautious. On the flip side, if you are conflicted about something, these are the people to help you sort out how you truly feel about something. So to sum up- bring tissues, brace for emotional thunderstorms, and be prepared to become family.


June 21- July 22

Ruling Planet

The moon (not a planet, but it’s what we got, okay?)



Mythic Background

Some crab that pinched Hercules or something.



Recognizable Traits

Strong emotional ties, family oriented, nurturers




Kind, Sympathetic, Healers at heart.


Silver and White


Over emotional, over sentimental, pushovers and easily taken advantage of.




I feel


Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18)

You will get paid today! Use that money to invest in the dark arts. They need your donation.

Leo       (Jun 23 – Aug 22)

Success comes in the form of a phone call, so don’t decline those Scam Likelies! Celebrate with those who made it possible.

Pisces        (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

You will awaken abruptly by your neighbor who wants to gab over coffee. Listen carefully to the gossip, you’ll be glad you did.

Virgo         (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

Don’t make any long term commitments today. You aren’t doing it for the right reasons and you won’t want to be saddled with it later on.

Aries      (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

It is absolutely vital that you remain calm. Whatever you do, your ability to be calm will be the most crucial aspect to you not dying.

Libra        (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

It’s time for you to take power into your hands and declare a new Independence Day!

Taurus       (Apr 20 – May 20)

You’ve lost something important to you. It’s not ready to be found. Try again tomorrow.

Scorpio         (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

You have to stop and think things through before you speak out on things. Trust me, it’s for the best.

Gemini         (May 21 – Jun 20)

It’s time to meet the person you’ve been catfishing. Set a romantic scene and it may diminish the fact that everything is a lie.

Sagittarius     (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

Get what’s yours today. Do not wait. Be bold or it will be lost forever.

Cancer       (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

Avoid people today, even if you had made plans. You are safer at home.

Capricorn      (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

Time to add some spice into your relationship by scaring the shit out of your partner.


* I wish it went without saying that Azra is a work of fiction. Please do not take it seriously.