Team Mayhem: Meta Gaming

I want to take a moment and talk about something fairly serious in the gaming community. It’s something that tends to kill the creativity and free thought in any role playing game. That is something called Meta Gaming. It’s when another person/character who is not in scene with you tells you “Oh! You should totally do this instead of what you are doing now!” Or variants of that.

In a nutshell, Meta Gaming is just not cool.

Now, I have been guilty of Meta Gaming myself. I’ve for sure opened my mouth when it was not my turn and I have influenced other characters to do things they might not have done otherwise.

Conversely, I have also been Meta Gamed. I am easily susceptible to it because I have a hard time thinking on my feet when it comes to my character (more on this topic later).

And I get it. Sometimes it’s super fun and in the spirit of “teamwork” it’s tempting to make suggestions for gameplay. But I am telling you it is better to keep your mouth shut.

The first step of stopping Meta Gaming is to know it’s happening. Be aware of those who aren’t in your character’s area who are giving unsolicited advice. Remind the person doing such things that it is your turn and it’s not cool to Meta Game. That usually is the end of it. However, if they do persist, take it to the DM. Odds are they are fully aware and have a contingency/ punishment plan for when it happens next.

But most of all, don’t let it ruin your game time. Lean into the creativity and bolster your free thought in game play. The main objective for D&D is to have fun. Part of that is not ruining it for others.

Striving to be a respectable gamer,


Team Mayhem! Trust and Commitment Issues

Trust is a rare thing in D&D Campaigns. Well, at least with Team Mayhem. Our merry band of misfits don’t believe in trust. They are suspicious of everyone, including each other. Personally, I believe that burning level of distrust to everyone and everything is part of what is getting us into so much trouble and almost killed.

A few examples:

One of our rogues, Tess, got flowers from an NPC. They were left in front of her room door in the inn. They had a nice vase and were just innocently sitting there. Tess stabbed the flowers. Stabbed them. With her dagger.

Another example is our sorcerer/elf mage Pharen. He spoke in broken common for much of the campaign until just recently. Now he speaks quite eloquently and in fluent common. He didn’t trust his own part enough to communicate beyond a five year old’s vocabulary.

This level of general distrust for each other and those around us have caused us to miss or just generally refuse quite a few plot hooks and campaign adventures that probably would have built the trust up in each other a little more. Example; our troop returned to Waterdeep to find it overrun by enemy forces, elementals, and a red dragon. We didn’t even get into the city. All we did was look at the devastation and chaos and said “F- that!” and we went in the opposite direction. There are several more scenarios like that where we as a team were all “eh. Too far.” And so the cycle continues.

The problem is, a band that doesn’t trust each other, doesn’t stay together. It’s caused a split in the party and a few close calls of everyone just saying “see ya!” and going off on their own. This would, generally speaking, stop the game.

So, my character (Dis, if you recall), has made a conscientious effort to start trusting her fellow team mates and therefore keep the party together. She’s done her best to befriend Tess by being her back up for a clandestine meeting (this did split the party, but we are in two groups, not 5). She has also gone out of her way to retrieve Pharen from a prison while the others partied with a certain silver dragon. This also split the party, but come on! We couldn’t just let him rot in prison. Wait a minute... I think I am seeing a pattern here.

Am I sure Dis is trying to keep the party together? Am I so certain that she’s trying to sow trust in the group? Or maybe she’s trying to separate everyone for a reason? She doesn’t tell me what she’s planning most times. I am just as surprised by everyone else. Maybe she doesn’t trust me... Maybe she’s out to make me suffer as a player (I have a weird anxiety/guilt where I don’t like to be in trouble or do things I “shouldn’t” do). Maybe Dis is trying to break me. Maybe she knows my weakness and my discomfort and is going to exploit it for her own gain.

Help! I don’t know if I can trust my character!

Team Mayhem: I Think Our DM is Trying to Kill Us

Team Mayhem has been at it again. Though despite the profusion of snack offerings and dice sacrifices, I fear something horrible is happening.

I think our DM is trying to kill us.

The signs are subtle, but definitely there. In the last couple of games, there have been quite a few “encounters” (read- battles) that have been devastating. I mean, we’ve been outnumbered and out classed by the “bad guys” consistently. Our little group of homicidal maniacs have been ganged up on by hordes of goblins, baby dragons, swamp hags, unstable elementals, and our own burning distrust of any and every NPC (non-playable character) our DM throws at us (this little nugget deserves a separate blog post, so I will leave it at that).

Now, I understand that the point of the game is not to go through the adventure without risks or danger. I mean, D&D is not “chill at the tavern and get groovy things by walking down a street.” The name of the game is literally Dungeons and Dragons indicating a certain level of danger should be expected. But that being said, there’s something a bit... more about these encounters we’ve had.

Granted, our team isn’t the most innocent. We’ve probably provoked a good number of these fights and probably refused to commit to a fair amount more (again, another blog post discussion). I am not saying these dangerous situations and fights are undeserved, but it’s odd that in all of the battles one, if not all of us, have almost died.

Did I mention the Wendigo?

Did I also mention that we are level 3’s?

Yeah. She’s trying to kill us.

Pray for us, friends. We do not know what we have done to offend our great DM, but apparently snacks, mead, and dice offerings will not appease her. I am not sure what will...


Team Mayhem: The Right Snacks

One of the most important parts of D&D games are the snacks. Without the right nibbles, it can make sessions downright hostile. Additionally, it is said that if there’s not the appropriate offerings, DM’s will display their wrath upon the players by making things like ordering a pint from the tavern way more difficult than they need to be (like you’ll need to roll a DC 50 to order a pint from the tavern your troop has holed up in).

So what does Team Mayhem do for their snackage? We do full on dinner parties for our games.

We rotate whose home we are playing at and typically, the hosts will prepare a meal. Some of our past game day foods include lasagna, Indian tacos, pot stickers and eggrolls, venison roast, pizza, and chili. On top of those really delicious meals, the others will bring along desserts, chips, veggie trays, and alcohol (usually mead).

Is it over the top? Sure. Could we just all bring bags of chips and soda and call it a day? Eh. Not really. We tend to play for a really long time (seriously, 7-8 hour sessions is the average for our group) and most of us really like to cook. A homemade lasagna sounds better than take out any day for us.

Having a full on meal before we start playing also gives us a chance to catch up and re-establish our connections not only to each other, but our characters too. It makes for more engaging interactions, in my humble.

What does your group do for food on game day?



Team Mayhem- Adding New Players

While I haven’t necessarily been blogging about our continued D&D adventures, I assure you they are still happening. Team Mayhem has made it back to Water Deep and saw it being ravaged by the opposing forces (and a huge red dragon). To which the group said “F*&$ that!” and promptly went the opposite direction to Never Winter.

Along the way, we picked up a couple more players- our friends Jill and Ryan, fresh from their honeymoon. The Keebler Coalition now has a Dragon Born Paladin of Bahamut named Narexius Balthazar and a dwarf druid named Keelya (so sorry if I didn’t get these right...) with an affinity for hand carved trees.

While I was super happy about Jill and Ryan joining our group, I was also kinda nervous about integrating new players. I didn’t want to overwhelm our DM and I wasn’t sure how the game play would change with two more people. Turns out, I was worried about nothing. Having them in the game feels natural and, honestly, it’s like they’ve always been a part of the group.

We’ve successfully not killed them like the murder hobos we tend to be. My fingers are crossed that they stick around and adventure with us for a while because they both add much amusement and dynamic depth to our intrepid group. Who knows? Maybe with them along for the ride, our group will grow out of the murder hobo phase.

Team Mayhem! Marathon Gaming and Team Building

The last time we left our Keebler Coalition of Misfits, we were about to set off on our adventure to Oak Hurst. The next time we gathered, it was for an incredible 10 hours of game time. Now, I didn’t think anything of it. I know that a single session of D&D can take hours. However, I’ve since heard from a couple of friends who do separate games and, apparently, our group’s second time playing was tantamount to a long distance marathon. Go us!

As far as learning the actual game, I’ve discovered that it’s a process of understanding your character and their motivations and then not being afraid of improvising.

That being said, I am not a good at improv. True, I am a writer and I can get the character down, but the on the spot action throws me for a loop. It takes a while for me to get going when it’s time to take action. I find that there’s not a whole lot of time to think through a coherent strategy. This results in more than a few missteps. Like not following up on a blatant plot point from your DM or being extra dumb in your actions and almost getting killed twice. Yeah. That was me. I am still too embarrassed to talk about it.

Another crucial part of D&D is learning how to play as a team while in character. That means getting to know your fellow characters while you are in character. This is proving to be a rather interesting experience since most of the team doesn’t really talk to each other. Most team work at this early stage in the game is negligible. Our characters simply don’t trust each other too much yet. I am told that will come with time. For my character’s sake, I hope so. She’s too inquisitive to be stuck with a ton of non-friendly people. But then she is young, so maybe this is just shaping her up for the world in which she lives.

 I will say that all of these prolonged gaming sessions are very fun. I am really enjoying getting to know my characters as they grow and learn.

By the end of our 10 hour long escapade, we made it all the way to Oak Hurst and we met Marl. Here we will learn about the magic apple that seems to heal the dismembered and disfigured, and we will try to help find the other guards that have been lost out of this garrison.

In other words, LOTS of team building exercises for Team Mayhem!


Game On!


Team Mayhem! The Start of the Campaign

This is it. My first ever D&D game. Will and I pile into the truck with our notebooks, mechanical pencils, and dice bags (as well as a couple of bags of snackage) to pick up Tom and Rachel. Together, the four of us venture down to Sidney’s place where the start of our D&D journey will commence.

Once we’ve arrived and had our fill of the pizza feast that awaited us, we all gathered around the table set up in Sidney’s living room. We select our avatars- little cardboard pop outs with illustrations of different characters on them. There’s a final drink/ snack run and we settle in to begin.

On the TV is a large slide that depicts the five realms that split apart. Sidney begins the introduction, explaining the realms and which country/kingdom is at war with who and general history of the world we are going to be playing in. So far so good. I am not 100% on the rules of what needs to be rolled when or what I can or cannot do. The only thing I am aware of from various snippets of conversations with others is that the DM is tantamount to God. Whatever the DM says happens, happens. Beyond that... I haven’t the faintest idea what I am doing.

Our party is made up of a drunk Tiefling fighter (pretty much a devil-looking creature- I can’t remember what his name is), a quiet Rogue Half-Elf named Tess, a Fey Wild named Phairen, and my own characters, Dis and Khaos who I introduced in the first blog.

Based on the first round, pretty much what we are doing is narrating our character’s actions and trying to not get killed by a horrible roll of the dice. Sidney (the DM) is playing the part of everyone else we meet. Now, some of the players (specifically my husband) play the game in character. Meaning he talks like his character would and such. Not everyone does it, so I am not sure if I need to do the same.

Also, I wasn’t sure if we took turns taking actions (like roaming around the town to figure out what we are doing, etc). I wasn’t sure what the protocol is for pickpocketing someone or stealing something (I am a Rogue Street Urchin...), so I just paid for everything I needed. (Okay, so I am a piss poor Rogue Street Urchin).

All of the characters met in the tavern called the Yawning Portal where they were called in to pay a debt to the owner, Durnan. Before speaking with Durnan, we were given the chance to look around the city where a large festival was taking place. Dis and Khaos checked it out and got the gossip about the soldiers being called in and noted all of the extra security. Eventually Dis and Khaos wandered back to the tavern where we received instructions to head to a place called Oak Hurst and help someone up there find his missing mercenaries. We were to leave on the transport up in the morning.

The first battle was against a bunch of ice spiders that crawled out of a pit in the ground. It was horrible. We are level ones with an average of ten hit points before we die. The spiders were SUPER hard to fight off- I think we went into 9 rounds in the fight, or something like that. Dis and Tess were both knocked out cold. We didn’t die straight out of the gate, so we have that going for us. The party made it to the next morning, ready to depart for Oak Hurst.

And all of that was about four hours of playing time (snack breaks included). It’s going to take me a while to get the hang of this game. The good news is that I will have more chances to learn. The next game is scheduled and it should be more in depth than the first session. We’ve named our team Mayhem (because it is better than the Keebler Coalition, which was the other option).

Despite still not being sure what’s going on most of the time, I am beginning to have fun. Thought I still don’t understand why Will wanted me to have multiple sets of dice...  


Happy Gaming!


Hello, My Name Is Kira and This Is My First RPG

Dungeons and Dragons. The mere words doubtless conjure some sort of reaction. “Devils and Witchcraft”, “Nerdy Time Waster”, “Isn’t that how you get to the Upside Down?”, and “Oh! I used to play that!”

                Well, for some time now, my wonderful husband, Will, has been playing the game at a once a month meet up. He’s having a blast, but want the fun on a more frequent basis. He’s convinced my best friend Sidney (also in the once a month group as well as her own weekly group) that she should start up a game. What’s more, he’s convinced two other friends of ours, Tom and Rachel, to play as well. For the record, I wasn’t asked. I was told I would play. Because this is Sidney’s first time running a game, the participant list is capped at the five of us.

                Okay, a little background on me. I love playing games. I just haven’t played a role playing game like Dungeon’s and Dragon’s before. Now, when I was little, my mom had a group that she played with. I’ve flipped through her monster manuals and there was a brief stint in High School where we were going to play, but I didn’t actually commit. So I do at least have a general idea of what is supposed to happen. Kind of.  I’ve decided to chronicle my experiences with the whole Dungeon’s and Dragon’s adventure for, hopefully, much amusement in the coming months.

                The first thing I learned is that there’s a specific language and many acronyms in this game. Here are a few gems that I’ve had to look up just while creating my character:

                D&D: Dungeons and Dragons

                RPG: Role Playing Game

                DM: Dungeon Master (Sidney, for our purposes)

                Alignment: This translates to roughly what set of morals your character lives by: Good, Chaotic, Evil, Neutral, Lawful, etc. For example, my character’s alignment is Chaotic Neutral, meaning that she believes that everything changes and her actions can either be good or bad as the situation dictates whereas a Lawful Good alignment would be the character always doing what’s considered good and lawful no matter what. They wouldn’t steal a loaf of bread to feed a starving family, but they would find a way to pay for the bread, if that makes any sense.

                Oh, and creating a character! What a process! It took a good hunk of time and mine was relatively low maintenance. Will’s character took hours and I am still not sure that it’s done. There was a lot of consulting the Player’s Handbook and a lot of “Well, what do you want to be? Pick a (race) (class) (background) (alignment) (personality traits) (ideals) (bonds) (flaws).” Once those core things were chosen, then more research was needed to figure out what equipment I came with. Then there was the rolling of the dice for my strength, dexterity, constitution, intelligence, wisdom, and charisma. On top of that, there’s calculations for hit points, armor class, initiative, skills and proficiencies and... (this is the part that, as a writer, I could easily go overboard with) a detailed enough backstory to make the character believable.

                I am telling you, creating a character is complicated and there’s a good reason D&D has worksheets to write it all down on. I’d never remember half of this on my own.

                So, what was my result? Well? My character is named Distraethra (Dis for short). She is a young wood elf (only 185 or so- apparently they live to be around 700ish) who was abandoned as a small child in a sprawling metropolis. She’s an urchin rogue that will one day develop into an arcane trickster. She owes her survival to a mouse named Khaos (he’s one of the mouse folk... yes that is a thing. As an urchin, Dis came with a pet mouse. As her backstory developed, Sidney said the mouse was too cool not to be more of a character so we modified the stats to an average rat and gave Khaos a character sheet and his own personality traits and backstory). She’s aligned as chaotic neutral and believes that nothing is ever permanent and people who can’t take care of themselves get what they deserve. Her friend, Khaos, is a disgraced folk hero evicted from his village after losing everything to an unjust person. That event solidified his belief that it would be better to serve the agents of chaos instead of good. Why he decided to take on a small elf-child, I can only guess it was a flip of a coin.        

                I should note that the day after we created our characters, my husband took me to a local game shop to pick out my very own set of dice. Dice, it seems, are a status symbol for RPGers. You can’t just have one set (an average set will range from a d3 to d20). Oh no, you’ve gotta have a couple, just in case the dice are bad. Yes. There’s a thing called dice shaming. Check out the images on Google when you are bored... hilarious. It’s safe to say that Will is excited for me to start this game with him.

                Dis and Khaos will begin their campaign with three others in a few days. It’s gonna be an interesting trip.


