Staged: Movies about Writing

I’m going to keep this one short even though I’m talking about the first season of a British series.

Staged is the fictionalized tale of David Tennent and Michael Sheen attempting to rehearse a play through some sort of Zoom app in the midst of the pandemic (I should point out that this actually came out during the pandemic).

A big part of the show is about the world going stir crazy. When Georgia, David’s wife, sells her novel, David decides to write a script. He writes it rather quickly and emails it to Georgia. He then gets no response from her even though they are trapped in the same house. Georgia then emails it to Michael. And there are several minutes of anxiety that are overshadowed by Judi Dench. And honestly, I don’t remember what happened with David’s writing attempts after that. Judi Dench was on the television swearing a lot.

Okay, actually, they all read David’s script together and it’s revealed that everyone’s favorite parts were the bits Georgia rewrote.