Glynis: A Movies about Writing

I wrote this blog back in July of 2022, hoping someone could find this an episode of this show for me to watch.

I just found out that there was a Murder, She Wrote BEFORE Murder, She Wrote. In the 1960s Glynis Johns (you know, the mom from Mary Poppins) starred in a sitcom about a mystery writer married to a defense attorney and they solved crimes together! But all I can find of this show is a thirty second clip! Does anyone know if anything else of it exists? Is there any place to watch a full episode? If you do know, please leave comment below. Thanks for fueling my obsession.

Despite looking on my own, all I’ve still ever found besides the thirty second clip is a newspaper article reviewing the show from back in the day and this review from from someone with the handle rudy-30:

The worst case of laugh track abuse ever!

9 April 2008

Warning: Spoilers

Jess Oppenheimer must have been an optimist. His most successful production, "I Love Lucy", centered around a female wanting to make it big in her husband's career. Unfortunately, lightning doesn't always strike twice. Glynis Johns plays Glynis, a novice mystery writer married to a criminal defense attorney. Glynis finds herself involved in murders by accident, and of course, comes out in the end a winner. Her husband (a bland Keith Andes) is usually clueless, and instead of a female friend for Glynis, which would be too much of an obvious rip-off of "I Love Lucy"s premise, she has a retired policeman friend to rely on. The trouble with this show is the laugh track. Murder can be funny, when it's played straight, but the actors on the show seem confused; they don't know when to play for laughs or dramatic effect. So, you have a mish-mosh of comedy and drama, and that annoying laugh track doesn't help one bit. What is so funny about a schizophrenic murderess? Did anyone really laugh at Anthony Perkins in "Psycho"? I notice that Oppenheimer later got the mixture right when producing "Get Smart". It's a shame he didn't have the creative forces with him during "Glynis". The cast gave it their best efforts, though.

Event though nothing I have found makes it sound like I would actually enjoy this show, now that Glynis Johns (a favorite actress of mine from not only Mary Poppins, but The Court Jester with Danny Kaye) has passed away at the fantastic age of 100, I’m still curious. So again, if anyone knows where episodes are available to watch. let me know. Thanks.

Glynis: A Movies about Writing Request

I just found out that there was a Murder, She Wrote BEFORE Murder, She Wrote. In the 1960s Glynis Johns (you know, the mom from Mary Poppins) starred in a sitcom about a mystery writer married to a defense attorney and they solved crimes together! But all I can find of this show is a thirty second clip! Does anyone know if anything else of it exists? Is there any place to watch a full episode? If you do know, please leave comment below. Thanks for fueling my obsession.

Finally Caught Up and Now I REALLY Want a Baby Dragon!

I didn’t start Game of Thrones until season 6 had ended. I read the first book long ago before the HBO had made the epic deal which made them oh-so-powerful. Okay, I read most of the first book, but that’s beside the point! I finally caught up! I have now finished all seasons 1 through 6 so you can all just get off my back and —

What do you mean season 7 already started? And I’m already behind? What the hell! Well . . . Son of a bi—


*This blog goes out to the victims of the Battle of Blackwater Bay.