Azra’s Astrology: The Houses Defined Part 1

Where your ruling planets are at the time of your birth is very important. Their location shapes not only the way you interact with the world, but how you interact with yourself and your attitude in life. Forget Nurture vs Nature, astrology is where all of your personality stems from. Just think of how much money you’ll save on therapy when you stop blaming others for your downfalls and out the blame squarely where it belongs- on a planet far far away.

Now I know what you’re thinking. Wait a minute there, Azra. That sounds an awful lot like a sun sign. And you would be correct. Except this is totally different. The sun sign is where the zodiac constellations are when you are born. The houses are specific to the 24-hour period known as a day on earth and it depends on where the planets that correspond with the zodiac constellations are located.

But what does that really mean? Well here. I’ll explain what each of the houses mean. You will have to draw up your own birth chart to make it make sense for you. But, with this blog series, you should be able to do that, no problem!

1st House: The Ascendant or Rising Sign. This is arguably the most important because this House determines the face you show the world. This is your first impression as well as how you will interact with the world. It’s why your body is the way it is and why you are either quick to anger or if you are chill.

2nd House: Material Possessions and Value. There’s the idea that some are just born rich, that’s reinforced with astrology and what’s influencing your second house.

3rd House: Communication. This House is all about how people communicate and is linked to intelligence- as in how well we can communicate our thought process to those around us.

4th House: Family and Home. The concept of home and family are traditionally what roots us to who we are. How humans interpret home and what they do to create their home are influenced here.

5th House: Pleasure. It’s all about the love, baby. This house shapes and influences your romantic relationships and endeavors. Additionally, it’s all about creativity and finding the pleasure in everyday things. Not necessarily sex, though that does have it’s own house.

6th House: Health. This isn’t just about common or even uncommon ailments. It’s about how we take care of ourselves emotionally, physically and mentally.



(Jan 20 – Feb 18)

You’re being lazy. Get someone to push you off the couch. Netflix will still be there later.

Leo                        (Jun 23 – Aug 22)

Reflection is in the air today. What are your biggest regrets?

Pisces              (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

You’ve been outed as a witch! Turn the villagers into newts. It’s your only hope to survive.

Virgo                   (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

Your skills have increased! Now demand more money from the bosses. That always goes over well.

Aries                (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

Cleanliness is next to godliness. Or you’re pregnant. Either way, bust out the Clorox wipes!

Libra                     (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

It’s pilgrimage time for you! Pack up and head to Egypt. The gods demand it.

Taurus          (Apr 20 – May 20)

Money rains from the sky today! Time for a shopping spree!

Scorpio                    (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

Your precognition abilities are in full force! Go get that lottery ticket!

Gemini         (May 21 – Jun 20)

Reliving old times is fun, until you realize that your memories are broken.

Sagittarius            (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

Someone new comes into your life. Be cautious and keep an eye on him. He’s likely there to kill you.

Cancer          (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

It’s best to say inside today, trapped with the things of your past.

Capricorn            (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

Today’s challenges are almost too much to handle. Take it slow and steady and reward yourself when you get through them.


* I wish it went without saying that this is a work of fiction. Please do not take it seriously.

Azra’s Astrology: Pisces the Fish

Humans have had millennia to really think about these signs and the different correlations to them. There’s so much that even the ones I am presenting aren’t even close to everything involved with the sign in question. There’s so much more like what body parts, what tarot card, flowers, crystals, you get the idea. Use this as a jumping off point and do your own research. I am sure there’s a specific pizza associated with each of these signs too. So here we go. The twelfth and final zodiac sign is Pisces.

Fish are important to humans. Always have been. It’s really no surprise that most of their mythic imagery contains fish in one way or another. That’s why the Pisces zodiac is not surprising. They are, simply put, fish.

Not to be confused with the majestic, yet terrifying Goat Fish, Pisces tend to focus on the dreams of their victims. Yes, you read that right; victims. They are masters at hypnosis and will have any poor soul trapped in an illusion faster than they could blink. Once in that illusion, the Pisces can control what happens to the victim in this imaginary world. Why do they do all of this? Simple. It’s secrets they are after. All of your secrets. But why do they want your secrets? I dunno. It’s a mystery. You can bet they’re not up to anything good, though.

Pisces often tend to be entertainers of some kind- musicians, dancers, actors, poets, circus folk, or therapists. Anything that will allow them a chance to suck their audience into the imaginary world they create. It’s all a trap.


Feb 19- Mar 20

Ruling Planet

Jupiter & Neptune


Fish! All of the fish.

Mythic Background

Think of any fish in any mythology or religion ever. Yep. That’s the one.



Recognizable Traits

Intuitive dreamers, caring, sympathetic natures, if not a bit flighty.




Compassionate, creative, imaginative, and Idealistic. 


Purple & White


Sensitive, unreliable, not rooted in




I Believe



(Jan 20 – Feb 18)

A mysterious disease crops up around noon today. Was it the fish? Or is it stage 12 necrosis? WebMD to the rescue?

Leo                        (Jun 23 – Aug 22)

Today’s a great day to fight someone. Who knows? They might just have it coming.

Pisces              (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

Lying is an important part of being an adult. Today, lie your tuckus off. It just may save you from something terrible.

Virgo                   (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

So you want to save the world? That’s nice. Check into the insurance that would require first.

Aries                (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

They’re all going to laugh at you whether you intend them to or not.

Libra                     (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

Stop wandering through life or you’ll get lost and miss supper. At least get a GPS.

Taurus          (Apr 20 – May 20)

You can’t help it if people can’t live up to your high standards. That’s their problem, not yours.

Scorpio                    (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

Someone needs to talk to you. Be wary because it’s life or death and there’s a 50/50 chance you could die from this interaction.

Gemini         (May 21 – Jun 20)

You’re not safe. Not here, not now. Watch for the daffodils. They know.

Sagittarius            (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

You are being deceived by your friend. That glint in their eye? Betrayal.

Cancer          (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

Your friends are starting shit. What are you gonna do about it?

Capricorn            (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

It’s all about traditions! If they can’t respect that, then they are no use to you or your grand schemes.


* I wish it went without saying that this is a work of fiction. Please do not take it seriously.

Azra’s Astrology: Sagittarius the Centaur/Archer

Humans have had millennia to really think about these signs and the different correlations to them. There’s so much that even the ones I am presenting aren’t even close to everything involved with the sign in question. There’s so much more like what body parts, what tarot card, flowers, crystals, you get the idea. Use this as a jumping off point and do your own research. I am sure there’s a specific pizza associated with each of these signs too. So here we go. The ninth zodiac sign is Sagittarius.

A long long time ago, in the Greek islands there was a legend about a half man/half horse creature known as a centaur. They were bred specifically for speed racing, but then led an insurrection against their makers to pursue knowledge and medicine. Centaurs became renown for their wisdom instead of their racing stripes. They often took in several orphaned Greek children to raise, often pitying them for their lack of limbs. One of the most famous of which was the warrior Achilles. Achilles’ centaurian mentor was Chiron. This is where we get the sign of Sagittarius, the archer.

Now, you might be thinking “hey. I know plenty of Sagittarius people. None of them are half horse.” Well that is technically true now. However, back then, everyone who was born under this sign was indeed part horse (this was due to their stringent breeding program). Soon, though, the humans began to distrust the centaurs. They knew too much and they were instilling unsavory ideas in the children that they brought up. Thing

s like a sense of justice and equality that would usurp the power of the government at that time. There was a great war and an extermination took place in the ancient world. The details are lost to history, but I assure you, it was incredibly gruesome.

All that are left of the centaurs is this Sagittarius sign, which represents a curious species whose thirst for knowledge and acceptance was ultimately their downfall.


Nov 22 – Dec 21

Ruling Planet



The Centaur/Archer

Mythic Background

Chiron- the centaur in Greek mythology who raised Achilles.



Recognizable Traits

Energetic, quick, seeker of knowledge, uncanny ability to canter and do jumps.




Speed, resilience, curious nature, optimism, thirst for adventure


Maroon and Navy


Too many limbs, trusting, passionate about their opinions, and brutal honesty




I See



(Jan 20 – Feb 18)

Dark family secrets are coming out left and right today. Time for a lot of PR work.

Leo                        (Jun 23 – Aug 22)

It’s time to put yourself out there and meet new people. But don’t give them money. That would be suspicious.

Pisces              (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

No really, you need to get work done today. No more distractions. For real this time.

Virgo                   (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

Everything will change today, so you might as well be the instigator. Make new ways of living the norm and embrace the uproar.

Aries                (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

Nostalgia is everywhere! Be cautious that it doesn’t pull you backwards.

Libra                     (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

Too many obligations block your path to your dream come true scenario. Deal with them harshly.

Taurus          (Apr 20 – May 20)

It’s hard to run with a rock in your shoe. What you do about it will define who you are for the rest of your life. Don’t trust the Gemini.

Scorpio                    (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

Expect to lose something precious today. It will only be found when it wants to be.

Gemini         (May 21 – Jun 20)

Remember that fight about Bigfoot you had with that Leo the other week? Time for revenge.

Sagittarius            (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

You have to decide your future right now. You cannot hesitate. What you choose now will be set in stone forever. Also you will get roses from a secret admirer.

Cancer          (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

People just don’t get what you’re trying to do. Be patient and breathe and explain it all again slowly and with pictures.

Capricorn            (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

It’s time to get serious about your New Years Resolutions. What were they again? You wrote them down before… but where are they now?


* I wish it went without saying that this is a work of fiction. Please do not take it seriously.

Thank you so much for reading Azra’s blog! I wanted to let you know that Five Smiling Fish has a new book coming out! Fable of the Immortals by Megan Vaughn. You can check it out by clicking the button below.

That Time Azra Tried to Get Me to Catfish People

Sometimes my characters try to talk me into some shady tings. Well. Not all of them. Just one – I bet you can even guess which one it is. I can’t say that he’s doing it out of malice. No, his intentions are good. Because of this one very loud, very insistent voice in my head, I’ve spent a whole year dispensing terrible parenting advice (that even made it into its own illustrated guide- check it out under the shop tab). Then, after that was another year of general life advice that probably shouldn’t be followed ever. This time, Azra wanted me to tackle dating and love advice. Which, at the outset, sounded hilarious. Dating advice from a deranged, perpetual bachelor angel? There was no way it wasn’t going to be comical.

The intent was to let him loose on a dating app, see what happened, and then record the events in a blog. Genius, right?

That’s what I thought too. So, I spent an entire evening creating an OKCupid account for my imaginary friend (because, really. What other dating app would an angel use?). I answered HUNDREDS of questions and made his profile as obviously fake as I could. The pictures of “Azra” that I posted were far off surfer shots and none had discernable faces. I even created an e-mail account for my angel.

With everything in place and a definitive answer for any random question that app could throw at me (and believe me, there were some REALLY random questions) I let Azra loose on OKCupid.

Well, that is, until Azra’s profile started getting a LOT of attention. Despite the fact that I made it as blatantly fake as I could, people didn’t seem to care. They wanted to get to know this angel. When I saw the numbers and got a few messages from lonely people asking to meet up with my character that has, until now, lived only in my head and in my books, I realized that I couldn’t go through with any of this.  

Why, you may ask? Well, it’s simple. It’s all about the human element. It’s one thing to distribute bad advice and make a joke out of it, but it’s a completely other thing when there are real people involved who are potentially putting their hearts and minds on the line.

I simply can’t catfish someone for the sake of a humorous blog. I just won’t. It’s not right and I don’t think I want to be that kind of a person. The world is hard enough without people catching emotions for a fictional character on a dating site.

I guess Azra and I will have to come up with a different idea for his continuing blog series. If you have a suggestion, let me know in the comments.

Until next time, be more kind.

Kira + Azra